iPhone X is one of Time's 25 best inventions of 2017 (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 110)
iPhone X is one of Time's 25 best inventions of 2017 (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 110)

iPhone X is one of Time's 25 best inventions of 2017 (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 110)

[MUSIC] Good afternoon, good morning depending on where you are on the planet earth, my name is Stephen Beacham producer for the Apple Byte: Extra Crunchy podcast, with your your host, Mr. Brian Tong. What's up everybody, welcome to the show, welcome. It is Apple Byte: Extra Crunchy, extra munchy we are here with episode 110 It is basically a week after we posted our Apple Bite version of the iPhone X review, tons of stuff coming in here. But again, this show is all about you all. So do you know how to be a part of the show? Guess what? All you gotta do is call us, the magic number is 1-800-616-2638. Leave your name, where you're from, your comments. We got some good ones today, but we do always have to filter out through some of them, so We apologize in advance that we can't get to them all. But yeah, that's how you be a part of the show. It's episode 110, Beach and Tong, going strong, and let's just jump right into it. The top news of the week that just dropped today, believe it or not, right, we know that Time magazine has their top, kind of, 25 list of the best inventions of the year Mr. Beacham, what device from Apple, or maybe multiple devices, do you think made that list? The iPhone X. That is the headline. That is incorrect. No. Actually the iPhone 10! Sorry. [LAUGH] The iPhone 10 made the list. [LAUGH] Thanks for the correction, man. I don't like to correct people. I love it when they say X, because everyone says X. Everyone says X! So This is Time's yearly list of best inventions. I kinda wanted to go down a few of them, just to kinda give you guys and gals a perspective of what they selected. And it's fun, because you can kinda see where things are moving. One of the tops ones was this robot. I don't know if you've seen it. Dude. It's called Jibo. Have you heard of, you've seen that? Didn't we do something with this thing? I covered Jibo three years ago. I found it in a Crave video. So yeah that's awesome. So it's this kind of robot, but it has this head that swivels. It looks like something from a Pixar movie. It has expressions and gestures that move. Sure you're like, I'm not gonna pay $899 for one of these things but, what makes it special is how They're starting to add these human like gestures that we can relate to like it kind of bobs its head or swivels it. It kind of reminds you of like stuff that BB8 did where you saw an android type robot droid have movements like that. I thought that was a cool one. Another cool one. The ember mug. Have you seen this thing bro? No, no, no, no I've got to check it out. The ember mug is $79.95, it's a ceramic mug with this base that's a heater. It's a smart mug. So they always talk about hey look all you coffee lovers out there, if Rajmati is still watching with us, I know he takes his coffee, but you know what your coffee's going to taste different whether it's super hot or super cold. So this mug heats it just right. You can set it anywhere from 120 degrees to 45 degrees Fahrenheit and it is like the sweet spot. It's $79.95 for this mug. This might be like- That's expensive. Yeah, but we're first world problems these days. [LAUGH] It keeps your coffee perfect. [LAUGH] [UNKNOWN] I think there's a lot of cray cray people that are gonna go for that so That's just a couple things that were fun. And obviously the iPhone X is on that list. I had nothing but, overall, you know, I have my own criticisms of it. But at the end of the day, if you want to get this product, you know that there's not gonna be a headphone jack. You know that there's not going to be a home button. There's gonna be no touch ID. But if you're willing and ready to jump on kind of this Apple's concept car of the future, and you're okay with that, I think you're really gonna love it. If you're not and you're not ready to, that's fine. But that's who they're kind of catering to, the hardcore gadget people, the hardcore iPhone fans, and really the hardcore Apple fans. But we know that this phone is selling bonkers. I think the wait time right now, is two to three weeks if you order in the US or Canada. So, Iphone ten, made Times top 25 best inventions of this year. I just spotted one thing on this list. The portable, wearable, breast pump. That's pretty interesting. I think we did a review with them, but I wasn't able to be used as a test subject. [LAUGH] For obvious reasons. Well, I could've, but I don't know if it would've worked. [LAUGH] I don't think I would have given it a proper review, dude. [LAUGH] Yeah, you need a legit review for that one. All right, so we will talk more about current things happening around the world of iPhone X, but We're gonna jump into a couple like let's look way down the road and talk about iPhone 10 in 2018. Are you guys, do you want to hear about this, Beach? I do, yeah. You do, okay, check this out. KGI Securities and well known analyst slash Supply chain/rumor guy in main GQL. His latest report says Apple will report a trio of new iPhone models in 2018. So here we go. Two of those models will be OLED screen based. You'll have your current 5.8 inch iPhone with an OLED screen. Then a larger 6.5 inch screen with an OLED and then a third model that falls in between with a 6.1 inch screen that is going to be an LCD based screen. Wow. So yeah, this is a lot. The report according to Quo, he expects the 5.8 model to have the same pixel per inch density that's 458. That the current iPhone does. He also suggest that the 6.5 inch model that will be larger in size will have a slightly higher pixel sprint density which should be at somewhere between 480 and 500 pixel sprint. And then the 6.1 inch LCD based model will have a pixel density of 320 to 330. I like to call that model the iPhone blurry. [LAUGH] Cuz your gonna be like this is not as sharp as like we're used to seeing, but their trying to target basically this midrange, so saying this out loud is silly. A mid-range, to low-range market with the LCD base, 6.1 inch iPhone. That's what you believe the two old Edge screens actually, all three phones across the board are expected to get the two-depth camera sensor. The top-notch phone design. And that is what is Right now reported as what we can expect to see for the new iPhone 10, iPhone 11, iPhone 10 are they gonna go give me an iPhone 10 plus. They gonna give me the iPhone dos equis. They'll probably stick with something like an iPhone 10 plus for the big one. But 10S sounds weird. Don't you think 10S sounds. Yeah. Tennis, it's just like tennis. It will be iPhone Excess, it will be iPhone extra small. [LAUGH] [CROSSTALK] Mr. Vidiet in our chatroom is saying. The notch on every phone, no! Look there's a notch every one of these phones here. Or at least four of them. We've said it before, notch my iPhone. Please. This is notch my iPhone. [LAUGH] So, another person in the chatroom. I'm sorry to keep Refrain from- No, you keep dumping it, they're- But Brian, a DBDX in the YouTube chat says, Brian is OLED really the future? I love my X, but I've been told they don't last very long. Well, historically, OLED does have image retention and burn in issues over a long period of time. I think what will be interesting to see is that we saw those issues creep up on the Pixel 2 Excel screen. Apple has said, because the thing that's maybe different with Apple Screen is that, not only is it an OLED screen. They have special chips that also aid in the performance of this screen. That is why it was rated the best screen ever on a smartphone by DisplayMate. It's both Samsung hardware and Apple's chips working together. And then Apple has made it a point that they've optimized software so that it reduces the potential chance for burn in. At least, after week one and a half, week two, we are not seeing reports of any major image retention from the iPhone 10s yet. Now, that could change, right? In a day, all of a sudden, it could be like, yeah, no We're starting to see burning, but up to this point, we haven't seen any. So it's gonna be really up to how Apple is trying to minimize that. But over the course of time, we know even in TV sets it happens. So it's always important not to just keep it on the same thing. Or you just don't want to leave a single image, like being on a video game and you pause your Constantly leave your screen on in that same spot, you're probably gonna get a little bit of it. There's ways to reduce that, but we'll see how it fares out for the iPhone 7. I mean, the main advantage of OLED is the deepest, darkest, inkiest blacks, which give you the best image quality possible and give you the widest contrast ratio. Largest contrast ratio that you can see on a screen and that's why it looks so good. So, we'll see. We'll see how it plays out. It's one of those things that you just kinda gotta wait. But, I'm all for the OLED movement. We've had Samsung screens with OLED three years. They have exhibited some burning over time but guess what. The sad and sick thing about it is We typically get rid of these phones after two years or even one year now. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah totally. So, we'll see how that all plays out. Another story coming out to us from Bloomberg, is that Apple is targeting to have a rear facing 3D sensor for the 2019 iPhone. So we know we have the TrueDepth sensor on the front, Apple's looking to put its own 3D sensing camera or sensor on the backside for 2019. What makes this interesting is it's using different technology, so we know that the TrueDepth sensor that scans your face, it basically shoots a light on your face, it projects a pattern of 30,000 laser dots. And then kind of measures the change, the distortion, that's how face ID really builds that image of your face. But with this new rear sensor that they're hoping to look for, they're going to be using a different method. Pretty much they call a time of flight approach. And what that means is, if you have lasers that are Shooting out, kind of like with the laser focusing system on the LG phones. This time of flight calculates the time it takes for a laser to bounce off something. So it has a laser shooting in different directions, ultimately it'll be able to scan and build a rough 3D environment from your phone. And gives you that kind of sense of, okay, the entire room. What we have found, is with IR kit on the Apple iPhone 10 is that it can do some really great augmented reality things. It does typically excel when you're talking about putting things on a tabletop surface. There's a game called, I don't know if it's called My Pet Dragon, but it's something like that. I've goofed around with it. You know, it can do measurements really nicely. We've seen examples where table tops work well. It can see a table. But when it comes to vertical surfaces like walls and doors, it's not really there yet. It's not nearly as accurate. It can't see that. And so that's why They would need something like this laser time of flight sensor on the back side, and this is Apple's push to, right now I would arguably say they are the leading consumer augmented reality device out there on the market, they want to make an even bigger leap by putting a rear sensor on there as well, so According to Bloomberg, this is what they are looking for and targeting 2019 for. This will not affect anything with the TrueDepth sensor on the front-facing camera. This is all new technology for the rear side. Nice. So there's even examples of how there's things where you could place a tiger on a stand on a floor in this article. But when you have like a pole in the way it doesn't really see the pole, it just really sees the floor. So those are those type of augmented reality things that are in the way. But augmented reality still has major potential. We're gonna see it really come to fruition once developers get their hands on the iPhone 10. I would say maybe Three or four months we are gonna start seeing some crazy stuff. A year later we gonna see even more crazier stuff. More crazier. [UNKNOWN] we gonna see crazier stuff so it's just, get the tools, get the hardware, get the software in to this amazing developers hands, and let them go to town and we are gonna be able to reap the benefits of that.>> So I feel like if there's a sensor on the front and the back it's gonna be able to do weird things like, Measure a room or there's so many other potential things that it could do that I'm just, popping into my head right now, like measure a room or just, you know, measure like an object or something. And then allow for like spacial [UNKNOWN] reality games you know where there is a border or something in a room. Does that make sense?>> Yeah. What if you just sat in your livingroom and it mapped up the room and then all of a sudden you are in this like one person shooter or creatures are coming out on the walls but you are just sitting on the couch in the room? Right, it just sounds like on of those gallery-type shooters. Like, that's the type of stuff we know people are working on. And it's just gonna keep on getting better and better and better. Really cool. Yeah, that sounds pretty exciting. But, I mean, also, it's scary that there's laser shooting on my phone measuring my whereabouts. Freaking lasers. [LAUGH] Freaking lasers. Freaking lasers. All right, we know that The iPhone 10 and every phone that comes out is not without some of their obstacles and issues that do effect it. And the iPhone has its bumps and bruises, no doubt. It's still a great phone. But guess what, the Pixel 2 XL has Has bumps and bruises. I still think it's a great phone. Some people will say it's not as great, whatever, you could figure that out between yourselves. But the current iPhone X right, remember when they launched Face ID, they kind of put out this beacon to say hey, Face ID is really secure, one in a million faces can crack it You can't work on photos, it doesn't work on masks. This is the most secure, kinda security sensor for your phone. Well, now it's just like hey, to the world, try and break it. So guess what? People broke it and this is a cool little story from a Vietnamese developer. Called B cav, and they basically tricked the iPhone X's face ID with a mask. And what they did is they pretty much cobbled together a composite mask made up of 3D printed plastic, silicone, makeup, and some simple paper cutouts which in combination Tricked the iPhone into unlocking their phone. Now the video clip in that article, Beach, they just showed them kind of talking about it and how it works. But this demonstration, so far it's been shown off. It has not been confirmed publicly by any third party source, but there's some interesting stuff about this. The actual developers, they found. It wasn't as hard as they thought it would be to actually hack Face ID. The quote that Bkav was the recognition mechanism is not as strict as you think. [LAUGH] We just need half a face to create the mask. It was even simpler than we our selves had thought. So. I'm watching this video, it's funny, he put a piece of paper over his eye, which is just a picture on an eye. [LAUGH] Yeah. This is really weird, man. So they shown it where they reset the Face ID, versus, and they put it against the model. [LAUGH] They haven't talked about it as well, they ain't kind of exposing all what exactly what is but may be is not capturing as much data as we think. And this might lean towards what that color last week asked about the kind of the face ID conspiracy, did it make it less secure, we will ever know. But if you can actually trick it by only having certain features, look, no one's gonna do this anytime soon. It's not like you have to worry about someone making a copy of your face. But, clearly, if you can do it on like some model, maybe. If someone's a little more high-profile it's an issue, but, so you know, this is all mission impossible stuff to me. I worry about people making a copy of my face and using it for evil, so. And you too Brian. But then they'd have to copy your hair too, and that could be. Remember, face ID adapts with haircuts. That's right, that's right, it does. You know of one thing that people don't talk about? Like, people aren't See this is the thing, why when we do our iPhone hen reviews, it should be more experiential. You know one time where Face ID never works with me? Is when I have my toothbrush in my mouth. Really. Cuz it's like this thing hanging out here and it must cover or just not Give a complete face profile, and it immediately killed it. Sometimes when I have my sunglasses hanging off of my cheeks, and it's down here it won't detect either. So there's always these like different examples of when it will work or when it won't. That's funny. Yeah. I could see myself using my phone while I'm brushing my, I could picture myself doing that so Yeah. I don't know. First of all, You don't have to worry about it, man, you got a phone with an actual home button. Hey, and I got iOS 10 baby, yeah! [LAUGH] That's something worth cheering about for many people, honestly. You should be cheering about that. Look at this beautiful iOS right here. Yeah, no I'm just kidding I'm just playing. Yeah there are no bugs. 3D touch works. Alright if you didn't think you're worried about someone making a mask out of your face check this out. This might be the fun video of the week an iPhone 10 was With Face ID was unlocked by a ten year old kid who was able to take his mom's phone that had her Face ID profile put into it, and then it was unlocked. So the mom shows like, hey, my Face ID is working here. I'm gonna [UNKNOWN] it, and I'm gonna unlock it. She then later hands over the phone to her son. And then he just that the in the phone completely in locks and so it's kind of interesting because it raises the question of [UNKNOWN] Responding to anything about this built it's like okay house security response now we're seeing that it works with people of not only not twins or brothers and sisters with time out, different ages, different agendas And it works. That's funny, cuz they do kinda look alike too. They're very similar. He did it right away, man, no problem. And then he dabs. [LAUGH] [INAUDIBLE] I mean, when you're 10 years old you gotta dab. Why wouldn't you dab? That's funny, man. It's totally not played out to dab. I know my kids wouldn't be able to unlock my phone, because they don't look like me very much, they look more like their mom. But I mean, that's a problem, because you don't want your kids being able to unlock your phone and get in and do weird stuff, and look at videos or you know? So that is a problem. Nobody wants that. In another face ID story, this came out from the Nikkei, Asian Nikkei Review. We talked about Face ID in the phone. According to their reports, this is again way down the road, Apple may be working to include its Face ID technology in the HomePod by 2019. Now I thought this was interesting because remember way back, I think sometime in April or May of last year, There were rumblings that Apple's actual HomePod would have a video camera that would feature some kind of facial recognition. There were actual reports about that back in May. Now, obviously it didn't make it for this first generation HomePod, but clearly it's What they've been thinking about. They probably, most likely have been testing it. And why is that advantageous? If a device knows who you are and you have different settings, different accounts, different music playlists, preferences, contacts, it needs to know who you are so that it can serve that information. Now, with Google, it learns your voice, which is awesome, and can distinguish between different members of the family. But at least Apple is trying to potentially taking this facial recognition approach to distinguish between different users. Nice. It's cool, but voice, being able to detect a voice is way better. It's faster. You don't have to look at anything. Yeah, definitely. I think it's way better to detect a voice. And you also have to be in the line of sight of the camera and this and that, so. Why do I wanna walk up to it? I don't wanna walk up to it. I don't wanna walk and look at it. [LAUGH] Ain't nobody got no time for that. All right, should we take a little breather and give some love to our sponsor this week. Let's do it man. I'll get some music going here. Let's set the mood. This episode, ladies and gentlemen, is brought to you by LinkedIn Learning. Now featuring Lynda.com content. The leader in online learning for the past 20 years. Lynda Learning is for problem solvers, go-getters, people who want to move in their career. Maybe you want to master photoshop. I I love Photoshop. How do we do some of the crazy stuff we do on our show? Gotta use Photoshop. Design a website, expand your creativity, everything you need to achieve is on LinkedIn Learning. So whether shoot photos on your phone or DSLR camera it can improve your photo skills. Courses range from basics like composition and exposure of pictures to intermediate tutorials Landscape photography advance techniques that should in row linked learning has called for all experience levels calling a large range of technical skills, so l logged into my account, it basely a service that is part of your account, l gotta check out the latest photosops because they are not trade of suit 2018, I believe they just bumped it up. Wow. So I used Adobe's Creative services on the cloud because it's worth it for what I do in my profession, so I checked it out. Not only they have lessons, they have video versions, they have transcriptions of it, and they all the assets that you can use Because back in the day, I told you guys last week, I built my very first website on my own, using, the product at the time was Adobe Goliath. Like, I did it all on my own. I read, and like did these tutorials. It was crazy. It was fun. It was, like, but it took a long time. So, LinkedIn Learning, they have it all there for you. It's in there website, and just something that's like really cool, and worth taking advantage of. Check this out, there are no hiding charges or upsells, it gives you access to all the courses you want for one monthly price and we got a special deal for you, you can get free 30 day trial with linked and learning today by visiting LinkedIn.com/crunchy. So all you do, LinkedIn.com/crunchy, check it out. And it does work from your computer, your tablet, or your mobile device. So it's not like you have to be at a desktop, which is pretty cool. That's a whole month of free education, man. That's what I'm saying. So definitely take advantage of that. That is awesome. All right, shall we keep on rolling? Let's keep it going. More iPhone X issues, I'm sorry to break your hearts you all, but it happens. The iPhone X, what do you think about cold weather? Is it gonna be able to hang in the cold? Dude, don't bum me out right now, cuz I take my iPhone snowboarding and make video, take pictures. Just don't bum me out right now. [LAUGH] At the moment, some users have complained that the handset screen becomes unresponsive in cooler outside temperatures. No- Apple said Thursday, which I think it was last week Thursday, That it's working on a software fixed for complaints because the phone does indeed become unresponsive in some cold weather. Yeah, so people have complained about this. I've gotta imagine if you're living in a cold city like during this Christmas break, They have not fixed the issue yet. I mean, you spend $1,000 on your phone and it's not working in the cold, yikes! That's like three months of the year, you're not gonna be able to use your phone properly unless you're indoors or something. That's- They better update that. They better update that man, that's all my saying [LAUGH] Yeah, that's crazy. Like get on that now. The other issue affecting some phones, it doesn't seem to be too widespread, but it is enough where, look, this is a visual thing Maybe you guys and gals have seen the green line? I don't wanna call it the green line of death, but, it's the green line. It comes down on the side of some of these phones and one of the beliefs is that basically Tech Crunch recorded that the iPhone X display uses this new, what they call, diamond subpixel pattern, and so it could be the fact that there's an electrical fault causing voltage to flow to all of the green subpixels creating a line like that. [LAUGH] I'm just laughing, man. I'm just laughing at this. Beat. You're so insensitive. [LAUGH] That green line. You can't use the letter i. You can't use it in a code. Your kids can unlock it. What else man? What else? [LAUGH] I'm sorry dude. I'm sorry. [LAUGH] You don't need to be sorry. Keeping it real man. Y'all are cracking me up right now. That's too funny. Too funny. Anyways, check it out, this is an issue that can't really be resolved by yourself. You've gotta take it into Apple Care whether it's mail it in, or go to a store nearby, or a service provider. But you're not going to be able to fix this one. But there is one thing you can fix. The notch. [LAUGH] The damn notch. I love this. I'm looking at this right now, this is wonderful. Check it out. It's a free app available from the App store from Apple. It's called notch remover. And what I like about it is it allows you to basically through this app for free Take a photo that you have and then put it, you basically have to have it in your photo album on your phone, and you can select the photo, it will frame it for you and then it removes that notch on the top, again this is only gonna work for like your home screen and your lock screen, but, The notch no more with the notch remover app. There is also another cool website if you want to play with it yourself, it's call notchless dot space, that I was sent. They have some really cool wallpapers already in there that you can download, but then they also offer up their tool, basically their template in Photoshop, so that you can build and create your own wallpapers if you don't want to use the app. Just kind of some different ways for all you, it's a really, like I said in my review, it's a really divisive thing. Some people love it, some people don't. I'm in the camp that, I feel like it's unnecessary. So, I kinda make it disappear. But, hold on, hold on, I did embrace it, though. I had to get on board with this. Nice. I had to get onboard. Wonderful. [LAUGH] I mean, it just makes me laugh and reminds me how silly it is. It's like that's it. [LAUGH] Bert. Hey, people in the chat room were saying an update came out today for I think it's the green line. Really? Yeah. Someone saying in the chat room that came out today and.then What version it is since we'll do this real time. Just chat us with what version of iOS is it like iOS 11.1 .2 or something cuz they just released 11.1.1 to take care of the letter i issue. Which is funny because It was the letter i, and it was like i, i, i, i, i [LAUGH] That's funny. 11.1.2 people are saying. Okay, that's good. And then someone else also said that there's another app called nacho, which gets rid of the notch but it costs $1. Well I didn't recommend nacho because, not only does it cost a dollar if you wanna get rid of the nacho water mark, they ask you to pay two more bucks. That's bologna. And this updates also covers the green line and the cold non-responsiveness. Well this is why we do this real time, baby. Yeah, man. Thank you guys The community is part of the show, I'm telling you. We don't know everything at every moment, so we gotta do it like that. Love it. Thank you, Apple Bite Nation, you guys rock. All right, this is a cool thing in the latest beta for iOS 11.2, it's revealed that the beta adds support for faster 7.5 watt charging. Wireless charging on the iPhone 10 and 8. When they first came out the phone supported up to five Watts. There are actual charging pads like [UNKNOWN] that go up to 15. Apple said that they would release an update later to give you a faster wireless charging so at least in this 11.2 update it does support 7 point. Five Watts. Here's the other thing though, 9to5Mac actually run their own test to see, okay, how much faster is it? Is it, because technically they're saying, we're gonna give you 50% more juice. Early testing shows it's a little faster, but it's not that fast. And again, you do have to have Charging mats, according to Apple, that are partners with them that support this, that are kinda support their chi standard and basically Apple's flavor. Although we'll see how true that really is. Sometimes they just like to say that. Just like you shouldn't buy a third party charging cable, but the Belkin and Mofie wireless charging Pads are the two that are compatible with this right now. Again, this is in the 11.2 beta. But according to 9to5Mac, after an hour, the 7.5 watt charger was only slightly ahead. At the end of a two hour period the iPhone 8 Plus that they had On iOS 11, not 11.2, reached a 40% battery life, while a same phone running 11.2 using the new 7.5 speeds based on software hit 47%. So, it's a little faster, it's not like you're getting 50% faster, you're just getting a little faster. That's cool. Faster is better. Yeah no matter what it's better. Or just directly plug that thing into the USBC charger that you have to pay for, because Apple makes you want to buy it. And it cost you 70 more bucks. What! Yeah Man. You don't get fast USBC changing when you buy your phone. You've got to pay for that. Premium. Don't you love it? Premium stuff. Premium. If you're wondering, everyone is trying to come up with a iPhone killer. If you're wondering what the iPhone killer is, it's actually an iPhone. So, okay so. Everyone is trying to take down Apple and if you think about it, the iPhone killer is actually an iPhone, so This is what we're talking about. The iPhone 10 is obviously very successful. So successful that it's coming at the expense of the iPhone 8. There are reports about that. But, according to the latest analyst notes, Apple is expected to cut iPhone 8 production by 50 to 60 percent. From December to March, because the demand is just hardly there, since all this demand has shifted over to the iPhone 10. Wow, that's crazy. So the iPhone 10 is kind of killing the iPhone 8. So we have our first iPhone killer. Yes. The iPhone 10. So they were able to measure that pretty quickly. Yeah. It's just been like a couple months, and they're like, whoa. We. You need to slow down on the eights. You gotta slow your roll. So based on inventory levels, they can adjust that pretty quickly. So that is what's going on with that. I'm gonna jump ahead to just some iPad news. We talked about how the iPad is expected to get face ID and it's also expected to get kind of that slim Almost [UNKNOWN] design right? There's concept pieces out there of Benjamin [UNKNOWN] that show off there's gonna be guess what, if you don't want a bezel on your other devices, this is going to be [UNKNOWN] as well. So the iPad Pro 2018 model will get that all new design, but also It's expected to have a fast octa-core, an eight-core A11X Bionic chip, so it'll be like the next evolution of the chip that's inside the iPhone, which is already insanely and ridiculously fast and hasn't even been utilized to its full potential. So the iPad Pro 2018 will get all, kind of basically get all the goodies that the iPhone 10 has. I've had Prodesign, which is really cool. Then it's going to make me want to buy one. [INAUDIBLE] [LAUGH] What's that? The bezzles guy. Do it again! The bezzles iPad. Do it again for me. Bezzelas, bezzlis, bezzlis. [MUSIC] Okay. [INAUDIBLE] Dropping the beat box. All right so we have that iPad and turn off the story before we get calls that closes things up, the story is like funny to me. Microsoft CEO was walking in to in India, spotted two journalists with iPads and he wasn't all that impressed. Now he did say this light heartedly for the record But he told them cheerfully according to the report, you need to get a real computer my friend. [LAUGH] That's a punch line. Microsoft's CEO walks into a bar, sees a couple of iPad users. [LAUGH] Tells them, you need to get a real computer my friend. I need a laugh track for that. It's okay. He was trying to be funny. He's just another CEO doing little digs, doing little digs, but, I will admit, the Surface Pro is not as easy to use, but it's a full-fledged computer compared to the iPad Pro, I love my iPad Pro, but that Surface Pro can do everything You wanna try that joke one more time? Which one? You want me to say okay, so like Sachin Sachdeva walks into like a pressroom. And he sees two reporters with iPads. And what does he say to them? He says you need to get a real computer my friend. [LAUGH] Okay. That wasn't the one I was looking for. [LAUGH] Yeah. That's not the one either. Anyway, I messed that up, my bad. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] I was like, why's the devil laughing all of a sudden? Wait, this was what I was looking for. [LAUGH] That's what I was looking for, there we go. There we go, that's better. Round of applause, round of applause. [APPLAUSE] All right, should we get to the phone calls? Yeah, thank you guys all for calling. We got a lot of good calls this week. And we got some bad calls this week. We are gonna play them all. We are gonna play them all. I'm gonna tease them again. Before we play it I'm just gonna tease it. 1-800-616-2638 that's how you call, that's how you're part of this show. Ok here comes number one. Hey Beach and Tom it's Tyler from Charlotte So my question is whether, or what you think about Samsung and Apple as far as have they reached a ceiling with innovation in technology in the South end. Before I could see where they were going but now I don't think they have a lot more room for improvement. And I was wondering what your thoughts were. All right, thanks. Have a great day. I think there's always room for improvement. I think that there will always be something new that we didn't even think about 5 years from now, that is going to hit, just because, look. As an actual functional device for what we do every day, You can say that these products have plateaued, I don't. If you're looking for something game changing from a phone, I don't know if we're gonna see it any time soon. Is AR going to be that next game-changing thing? I think it's going to change how we do things, and maybe look at information through our phones See things, as in heads up displays, and to me, I've said it for a while, I think the next big thing is gonna be whatever these, whoever cracks the code for the augmented reality glasses that we'll see years down the road. But from a phone standpoint, Is innovation is not dead. Look, these can get a lot slimmer. They can get more responsive. They can get bigger. They can get foldable. 3D touch is still severely underutilized, which I've said for years. And 3D touch is something that came out of nowhere. No one expected 3D touch to happen. So Unfortunately Apple hasn't utilized this as well as I wish they did. So, I think there's always gonna be innovations and things that happen. Is it gonna transform our lives like the first iPhone did? No, because these are all iterations on the device, but there will be another device that does that. I would say the most transformative device that we've had so far In the past few years has been the whole home smart speaker, personal assistant and there will be something else after that, so there's always innovation my friend. That's why we love this. Yeah, like we are kinda stuck in this form factor of like, just the rectangular phone. But that could change, you know, and what the phone do obviously so cool. All right, let's go to the next call. Here we go Hey, hey guys. So, I was wondering, if anyone had seen that letter I in their emoji keyboard? I'm seeing it in my frequently used, which is kinda weird, but yeah, I just wanted to know if anyone else had seen it. Thanks. [INAUDIBLE] I think he needs to get iOS 11.1.1. [LAUGH] But, there is that kind of old school-looking i that appears there as well. Is there? Sometimes I've seen it. But, I wouldn't freak out Just update the phone man. That is funny though. It's like it got moved to, from the emoji, from the regular keyboard to emoji keyboard [UNKNOWN] .>> Yeah.>> It's funny. Okay. Next call Whatsup Stephen [UNKNOWN] it's me [UNKNOWN] Arizona. I just got my hands on the iPhone X, and I absolutely love it. I think it's a remarkable phone, with its OLED and HDR display. My only gripe that I have, though, is the small indicators over the top of the phone. I cannot stand that there's no battery percentage or that it lets me know that I have Bluetooth on. I have to go down, [UNKNOWN] to get that kind of information. I can't stand it. You think there will be an update but it's just like you customize what kind of indicators you have up at the top of the phone. Thank you guys, love your show. Have a great day, bye. Wait. Did you say Apple and customized. [LAUGH] Wait let me get that laugh back. That's the devil laugh right there. You know what this is one of my biggest complaints why I feel like look, you have the notch make it a solid bar I'd put in my review put the utilities right below the bar, and give us the ability to see all of them. They could have easily fit it in there, they didn't do it. I even wish they could just change the icon of the battery so that it's a little bigger and you could just see numbers inside of it. Just do us something to show us that Give us that option. When you actually charge your phone in on iOS 11 on the iPhone 10 for those first few moments, the actual battery icon kinda grows for a second and then it shrinks back down. [LAUGH] So, why not keep it a little larger, give us the option to see a percentage in there. That's not that hard. You're so bad Apple. Man, yeah. Okay, we got two more calls. Here we go. This one is real quick I think. Beech, Tom, quick question for you. I'm interested in maybe getting an Apple watch, but I don't like big Watch basis, or the smaller size. It is okay for guys to wear a smaller one, or is that intended for women? [LAUGH] This is One of the bests call ever because our friend Colin and is been keeping it real. I guess I get honest it's just so hilarious like look- He's great. I would honestly say, I don't have the biggest wrist and that doesn't correlate to any other parts of my body. Let me let you all know that. But I don't have the biggest wrists. And I was like why did I even have to bring it up, I don't know why. Because I know the comments, I already know what people are going to say. I think it's not even as a dude. I actually prefer the larger watch. Yeah I just think it looks dope and guess what the easiest way to do it is try them on at the store. If you like the smaller watch. Then dude, do it. Ain't no shame in my game. I wear a lot of things that people question. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] Yeah, I would actually prefer the smaller one cuz I don't know. My watch right now is a little too big, just feels kinda clunky on my hand. So I'd prefer the smaller one so I can just move faster and just feel a little more compact, I don't know. I don't think I've said this in this show specifically, but the Apple Watch Series 3 is an amazing device now. With WatchOS 4, and the speed of it, and the LTE version, I can do so many things with it that it make it actually a device that, again, Apple's kinda started to figure this out, that stands on its own [SOUND] I'm really enjoying my iPhone series 3 LTE. I was not the biggest fan of the Apple watch, but once it gets to the point where like yes, it's legit now, like absolutely I'm going to be like cheering about it, and the Apple watch series 3 LTE is worth being like this is it. If you held out the past two years, this is the one to get, for sure. Yea, you've been kind of selling it to me on the last few shows, so I'm going to add that to my Santa Christmas list. It's only like $399 for the LTE version. I mean you do have to pay ten more bucks. But, dude I'm working out and streaming like content. Like come on. On my wrist? And then text messaging and taking calls! My god. [LAUGH] It's like It's crazy. It honestly is pretty bad ****. And I don't take, it's a first, it's like again, you need to be that person that wants to use it at the gym like that, or work out, but if you do, it's awesome. It's awesome. Cool. First world. First world problems. First world. We got one more call? Yeah, we got one more call. He has a little gripe Okay. And then he's also has a plug for himself so we might stop it before the plug, all right? We're gonna stop it. [BLANK_AUDIO] Hey Brian and Tom, I called last week because it was my birthday and I said that one of my gifts was an Apple Watch [INAUDIBLE] without cellular. Can I ask you if you thought that over time will the watch get outdated and stuff for the update? Yeah, I was a little disappointed they didn't play my call, but hopefully they can play it this week. And, please follow me on Instagram at- No! No, we're not gonna follow you on Instagram. Do you know what he called us? Did you hear what he called us, Beech? Bryan and Tom. Yeah, Bryan and Tom. Clearly he is a fan. Hey Bryan. Hey Tom. Nice to meet you. Sorry we didn't play your birthday call and your Instagram URL. I think we're good without it, I think we're okay. But he did, he got the watch and he wants to know if it will be updated eventually to include LTE, I believe. I think that was his question. Well there's [UNKNOWN] I am getting confused by what he was asking.>> Do you want me to play that one more time just the begging?.>> My God. It's fine.>> Hi Brian and Tom I called last week because it was my birthday and I said that one of my gift was [UNKNOWN] without cellular. Can I ask With outsider. If you thought that overtime will the watch get outdated and stuff, put in updates? Yeah, I think he wants to know, with Outsider [UNKNOWN] I think he wants to know if overtime it will get updated to be able to do that. With the speed of this watch, this watch is going to at least last you two years. And it sounds like, two years, but Most Apple devices, the way that they run the hardware and the software together. They say they optimize it. Once your device is after that one year and a half, two year window, it performs significantly less with the latest software. If you get to the two year point, I really do recommend most people to stick with the OS that is on that phone instead of going to the next one. It It's just, we've seen in enough times where it just, like for example, someone on an iPhone 6 and 6s, iOS 10 works better on it than iOS 11, it's just a fact, so. Cool. That's my advice to you, stay thirsty, my friend. [LAUGH] All right, well that's it, man All right. We're done! All right. We are done so remember again everybody. Be a part of this show, we wanna hear more from you. I think more of you have started to get your iPhone X's in. I wanna hear what you think of it. Just what you like and what you don't and yeah,maybe just one thing, you like and one thing you don't, because we wanna get through all of you all. So call us on 1-(800)-616263. That's the number to get to us. We will keep on rolling from here. We will have a show next week right before Thanksgiving, is that correct? Yeah, we will do it on Wednesday. Okay. We will do it on Wednesday. Excellent. All right, Beach, are you good? I'm good man, thank you. All right, thanks to everybody, take care, be safe. Peace. [MUSIC] [MUSIC]

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