Ep. 82: All your info are belong to Google
Ep. 82: All your info are belong to Google

Ep. 82: All your info are belong to Google

Google wants your data. And -- only made three million dollars last year and what to expect at mobile world congress and -- -- more on this week's edition of. Welcome and I am just announced -- hit on Goodwin. -- -- and and special guest. Remarked Levy I -- Think you've been on here before sentencing and you're a visionary people always and other shows hear -- on tap that app. Now that and I show you may you know him from such -- as -- -- -- -- -- four. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I'm acute and. Awesome. -- will we are gonna jump into -- show and talked about Google's new privacy policy Nam. Which is sort of caught off the presses so rig -- -- forgive us if say it seems like we don't -- -- I'm gonna more than usual. But. Will you know cool but there's going to be a lot of talk this week -- don't you know live shows about Google's new privacy policy. -- we're gonna focus on -- -- -- -- This is the deal the basic gist is that they have I don't know what the satellite seventy different privacy policies for all -- different services right now. Com and what they're trying to do is combine them into one simplified human readable. -- policy which you know. And when you present to like that I think is a good thing. That is normally privacy -- -- policies as they call let's just sort of breezed by because it's you know long -- did and you know you -- -- even if he tried. Nam. There when it here illegally use. And make it -- simple and -- What we -- -- here is a couple things this there's sort of a quick analysis -- -- IT world of house -- Android. And -- sort of four major areas the first is device information. I'm cool says it's gonna collect your -- Molly operating system. Unique device identifiers. Mobile network information including phone numbers and -- missed it'd identifiers with your Google account. To me that that first part seems not too scared. -- -- heavenly objects and snapper. Comes the president that are using it yet miserable I think they may be -- this -- just. Accounted for now on the universal policy instead of -- -- it's -- -- one -- so. It shouldn't some -- this -- not being new it just is maybe getting more press than it has before because. It was so -- it and maybe now -- little easier to read exactly now we understand we live in -- post here -- Q world. Are everywhere and kind of already got their ears -- it like privacy and my information he tracked -- who exactly. Yes so this second part here is actually what I think will perked up my -- and probably will be as well. Google may save in its server logs your phone number. The number you were calling forwarding numbers times and dates of calls and SMS routing information. Com it's not entirely clear -- this to me a little scary. But it's not entirely clear if this applies to any calls you make -- only close to make -- for example Google Voice are. Gmail and Google+. You know -- the latter makes sense there are you doing this obviously. You know if you go to Google Voice it shows -- records of your law you -- calls them. -- on these cool ways for everything so maybe is -- scary to. You and all. It I mean it's not to me because that'll delete the care of it and I. And it really care and -- April all of the year nothing outside loan will seem. Doing the decent thing -- you posters call logs and bought us. The answer. To that. But -- it's like today it definitely scare me particular but I'm not particularly. When it privacy averse. So it it didn't really. I'm not really usually scared about -- sort of thing but for some people it is and I mean it it definitely is something. That I think a lot of people should keep an eye on there -- you know if they have an opinion on -- should you know and make them. Is -- -- me edit -- your phone causes. Is creepy but I mean let's be honest I think. Carriers do it already -- I think even going back to. -- landline you mean if you if you don't care on -- landline carrier means some of keeping records of phone calls to -- -- I know it every every police for example -- -- that it finally get a page plus cell phone records. TV yet there they know -- causing me when you meet them where you were -- made them CSI CNET what -- -- wearing yet. Mostly you're going GPS coordinates which is what's enemy of the state. -- and so are my main concern would be if they are tracking it for non. Google -- -- -- calls like I expect regular phone call. On my cell phone. Enemy track that he has may be to make argument -- -- -- -- they want to. -- -- call logs the -- your phone's if you lose your phone and you want that logs back that you could get them. That the questions are like what do they do with that information how to protect protective is -- made available for advertisers. -- I wanna know more information as well. -- -- -- only from my own use. That's one thing. If it's made available to others attending Google employees just feels like you can just get in there and -- conduct its O. -- we have to lean on the fact that Google's motto is don't be. I think Google's little acuity he in the Holden I'd be able now especially of late yet lately there search results -- a -- that's another so. So location information. -- user device GPS Wi-Fi signals nearby -- -- -- Tower triangulation -- where your answer about the location focused search results -- I don't have a big problem with that I meant I like more relevant ads because there actually interest in -- then. If they're saving this music for other purposes or do in the carrier IQ conflict. Long history of where you have been. Then I get a little scared that I know you checked in the -- theory goes that department no -- merit. Arctic and excrement is just to list me but mostly it's because it's just too much to do I get somewhere -- -- satellite. It just have a motto to we have oregano and then check in and just a dispute social network and stuck -- their fourth or was not the one. There's not -- -- the privacy issues -- A is lazy -- warming and -- late -- the results up to in the foursquare is currently the -- I was in -- read of people knew -- -- was. Have I don't think anybody cares. To be honest. Picture of -- people care. The only person who cared was like that the girl of competing or -- of my favorite chicken -- It isn't really an hour or they wouldn't know you know I don't know or complete stranger relate we both go to the same -- blowing please in a while -- Getting the near -- back in force. And then like Al most frustrating because -- never saw her there and it's like how we get premiership and I'm here reading and receive she manages the place that's knows -- equipped with. This lets the public -- lists -- England stands I don't think that is gaming the system for the -- foursquare friend me at -- you can confront me about it. And then nothing ever came refugees once in -- never settle it with -- chicken wings -- That -- weird I think I think a little weird. How are we talking about we're talking about. Privacy and now we're moving onto Google wallet privacy so the one piece that is not covered and there are. One page which is actually -- one pages look at Nam. Privacy policy is cool while it has its own privacy writer. Which is far too complex for me to a dive into right now that says. We'll get a crack team on that and analyze it spent -- in deep in general when you deal with money seems a little. Like involved in May require Morse. Yeah I mean it would have to be I think you would be have to have to be separately to Soviet bigger issue if while were -- and I'm just because you know. Than the over arching. One Peters is basically -- -- -- track everything you do and log all your stuff you start talking about Google wallet. You know if you start using overarching language like that -- somebody's gonna -- the inclusion. -- in my bank account ray count than in the company that I do business with and I think it's it's in their best interest and keep it separate. And there's a lot of laws regarding financial information they track at some -- that and other -- where. Tap that -- App of the week for us and we're gonna ask you -- question. After Doolittle introduces video and you see what this is all about two newly introduced this old rule rule. -- -- The app is called some. And it lets -- -- the public or at least the public that uses this -- -- pretty much anything you want you -- attach pictures to your question and then you can ask them a yes or no question for instance do you like. My car and it was a picture of your car. And then the the audience will will then give you thumbs up or thumbs -- boats and what -- Well take a look at your video that explains that launcher. Yet -- -- But folks welcome to tap that -- -- and this is the show where we accept the finest pieces of apps on planet earth. Today we're checking -- -- which basically lets you pull the public about anything you want. Use it correctly and it can be a nice little tool for some casual research. Here's how it works. There are two ways to use them you can ask for opinions or you can give your opinion if you want to ask for opinions first type in your question. The yes or no variety works best. Then attach a photo. You can use a photo from your gallery. Take a new photo or grab one from the web all from within phone's interface. After that select a category you know to give your question some -- Then hit get opinions. -- take a minute for people aside Chiming in so you can go ahead and vote on other people's questions while you wait you can vote with -- thumbs up a thumbs down. Or you can keep a neutral. If you like you can also add comments which users always appreciate. And make it easy each time you vote the Apple automatically move you onto the next question at this point. My only issue with thumb is that some of the users tend to ask questions that. Aren't exactly optimize for the platform if you know and and sand take this one. Doesn't exactly lend itself to the thumbs up thumbs down format right so just be sure to -- your questions correctly and some will be a really useful tool for everybody. Now to go back and see what the public thinks so my question looks like 67%. Of the phone population does not think the forty niners will go to the C approval -- if you want. You can also see the results of your previous questions as you can see here 71% a -- users were totally wrong about the -- I was wearing yesterday. And that's -- folks. Thumb is free and available on both the Android market and iTunes App Store I highly suggest you download it and give my -- lumberjacks are some love. Otherwise if you've got another app that you wanted to tap the -- -- -- on the Twitter thanks for watching. Awesome that I like that -- violate that idea. A good idea I gotta say on the little sore about the issue of a certain temperature has -- changed at all Italians and I haven't I haven't checked her to back you -- -- -- want. I am so we're gonna do alive some question here ray shared -- -- -- queued up so do we are going to ask. Question do you agree or disagree with the school principal. With Google's new new -- So how kind of -- people -- I will -- anyone who's using that happen. At at this time. The question we've pushed them until they search for your -- like that -- -- -- the questions are all and -- well. You don't summary now and moments come. You know will post this and then by then this show we will hope they have some interest in results for you. Com about wall that is happening were going to move on and have more about -- Vietnam. There's a lot of news from Google to speak actually use this loss stories -- out -- earnings call and sort of how. -- -- that was. How much money and -- me and as result of that is Vietnam. And it's -- -- comparison -- Apple so a couple things first. You know Larry Page. I did earnings call -- described -- -- -- as young product loss potential. Thumb. It's funny the way talks about it just like. Young the elderly is -- vendors that -- -- -- you're doing I have no idea what is this it is published after earth. We are in the early stages of monetizing. Modernization for a number of our new products and -- one of those mr. page there was a lot of potential. Pressed to make money and in grades nine -- -- and -- server time. One of the problems with sort of monetize in -- -- so. We look at the big folk put it in -- it he said for example 250000800. Devices exist. Or have been activated. However a lot of those aren't sort of what we traditionally think commander -- devices phones and tablets that even have a hundred mark direct they're like. GPS's that. -- Period a street car stereo -- -- just in distributing it's powered by Android where they entered parody Android. Yeah that the media item with that Simpson refrigerator. The Samsung injury powered refrigerator that was at the eons knows -- and now when that thing of the thing. The ads that have an interview with the just announced that was right -- -- yet head to support all shared platform app. Any US a lot of those can't serve ads and -- to cancer vast amount making Google and -- considers free to those people. Com so Google -- three billion dollars -- -- revenues. This year. -- is this the end of this financial year. Com which is don't have the exact number that Apple made my -- that is significantly. Less than Apple made -- And not a huge source of revenue for -- for -- It I think Google. Another thing one of the analysts came out with which -- was particularly -- -- is that. Google may not want to make a lot of money -- -- -- standard because there's so many lawsuits going on right now that if they were making tons and tons of money. Is that people would be able to say that there were more damages and you know asked for a higher percentage of that money or -- -- them money. And are asking for now but if it's not making tons of money then. They can't really claim. That they want and share of profits of the really isn't any -- so. It's an interest in story because Mandarin is so ubiquitous at this point and is -- -- a big part of the market that. Not a major contributor get to. The revenue side of Google. -- of -- three billion dollars this small revenue now. -- -- I -- I have through the sense of scale for how much money ruby three billion dollars is really -- need to sign that interest in this. I don't think three billions lot of them I just have no ideally. Like -- -- do you need to put it in terms of something for me like how many. I don't know Lexus biases can you buy it for three billion dollars for a bit then I'll -- listen to scale it. Seems like a ton of money. Yeah -- -- you know it is a paychecks like 2.0 really is now you can now over it is not a download.com. Saturday. -- But no way it's you know -- it. It's weird to me but I mean it it it. A you know we're joking around -- 03 billion dollars a ton of money but I -- the other symptoms does the scale is a bit different you're talking about large corporations especially corporation and enlarges -- and then. You know who they are relative to corporation argues Apple Microsoft and -- says. -- -- in Apple's making the revenue and I've found from. Hardware sales -- yet well everything maps but -- -- everything even have to do. They make money of hardware sales any -- up software sales they make money off of when you buy a case. That has a -- iPod stamp on com they make money on every. It's -- huge -- opera and Google doesn't really have that complete control over their eco. Great. Speaking of ecosystems. Speaking of you can guess you know who has built -- creating a system that apparently is generating them. A lot of money or time on Amazon we're talking about Amazon. There's only a couple people out there who have really sort of complete ecosystems -- -- here about Foley at Amazon -- Google. Microsoft isn't in there there. I think they can I have a patchwork of ecosystems are you know -- eighth. I mean they're merely -- there. And the nature regardless. Of linking the Windows Phone to do -- do -- -- -- -- -- Xbox 36 what we say widely used ecosystems. But you get these days you're you're -- BBU media and playing. Back -- of contenders that maybe we Chelsea. Time will tell hub but anywhere while we're talking about. On Android atlas has -- This -- -- -- -- this is Nam the Kindle fire. So analyst at her house from RBC capital. Estimating -- from beyond the actual sale of -- hardware which is -- 99 dollars and has been estimated that. That is actually. Below cost for -- -- -- -- -- not making any money on that. Said they will bring in. Com more than -- hundred dollars -- -- clear and in 36 dollars. In additional revenue over the lifetime of each Kindle fire. Com this comes from -- book and app revenue. Com. And I think potentially this number is possible to me but the way they do the math is a little weird. You know they say is that. You know in their survey 60% of people bought from more than three. Books in the first sixty days of ownership. And it says they could that they are basically saying. That people are gonna buy -- on average five. I think what you do when you first get -- devices necessarily. Consistent with the way you use a device throughout its lifetime. You know it may be oxide and you know it is awesome -- -- a bunch books -- this at this it'd take -- and some time to read those books. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Get sick of listening to music in just stop buying it or you like -- I think I've watched TV shows on the Kindle fire like any. I don't think you will but I think the -- -- which you purchase will change over time he. So may have a small issue with the ebooks thing but we're talking officer -- at the app calculation that they do I have a big problem with -- They are saying that people on average -- -- three apps per quarter which averages out to nine dollars every three months for cops. Comment how much money. In the lifetime of the year and reviews as he spent on apps we too much. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- This year in the month of January -- spent. -- -- Maybe seven aren't out by a lot of apps team aren't -- talkative over this show and I was -- I think has spent nine dollars. Ever ever ever -- -- -- the -- -- nine dollars in in the quarter on our apps and yet. But I mean you and then be you know I review apps yeah we we might not be the best sample I guess. Sprint and let me lumps are not deem. Socially and a review -- game the -- But it lives but it does seem like it could be -- -- I think fare for an average user. Great and it seems like. What they're thinking here's a based on this map they are sort of consider in the lifetime of the user is one year. You now know is going to be an -- questioned -- is like a hundred products over the lifetime and that -- -- -- -- low -- -- -- business and a 136 -- year I think every conservative on the how long you're gonna keep that device. You know. So maybe you're gonna upgrade that device to the Kindle fire to next year can obliques -- the the Kindle and third. I wonder if there are also including like the Amazon prime members and only eighty dollars that -- -- else including net. Ray he -- and according to this -- they're not but there is they don't talk about music you don't talk about. Additional purchases but you're saying and -- on market. Dom which I think has taken it I'm sure Amazon. Is doing fine here. -- producers and there's no there -- producer than that you more than three billion dollar -- -- it to your real windows of the device. It will seats and it's estimated they've sold three to four million tablets we can do the math because it. On what that means -- -- -- -- as a group we should all be better to. But I think appreciated how it was security cameras are -- and we should just have a map monkeys there and any time we have is questions that closeness with -- -- team. I appreciate yeah I. These Justin you're gonna -- digit mass marketed for the rest of the sales if it is a lot of calculator and every time -- If I get a suit and company done and I will be an ambulance and I need to know and even a monkey -- OK leave an analyst in. For of the kills it on a Catholic -- -- -- integrates with the come back and tell you what to expect that it meets TC -- -- -- mobile world congress. So while you were gone we have some volunteers from the -- -- it is a -- monkeys. So we'll just ask questions and then you know on -- 152 to -- look at the answers from the terror or if we -- -- late wolf from alpha plus Google Voice or something. That be -- we'll try to -- get on that thing on the or -- -- American view engineer can -- that are next. And then we can -- get up into oral and Android guy went there he -- -- him up there a corner. Or handwritten -- Make -- talk with answers that you. HTC. So there was not a lot of news editor HTC. At C yes. But there is a lot of rumors about what they're going to do you at mobile world congress. Which -- -- again over a -- to. -- -- than Barcelona and wanted to use -- -- ever. Mostly though because it's one pretend like -- and -- anyway -- drink align your mobile play. The bullfighter uterus do the renewables. Unit lead -- The reading the -- -- that you want to fight evil you know he's -- -- -- at the -- you want to. While I understand -- and -- -- and crazy drunk at -- and that's the Nam. Aren't let's get back to phones. The first rumor so as the east TC heads which is supposed to be HTC's first Quad Core phone. At a pretty big 14 point seven inch display make -- pixel camera. And -- -- four point oh as well as -- TC sense for Puerto. So a pretty nice phone spec wise anyway he. Some models we have the HTC. -- The eight. You know if you didn't stiffness and there's two -- There's two bills we can announce and I said the ages because they were not about Spain -- with these he did you have to do this. In commodity that's more Italian news. Like this thing -- I think we're borderline offensive that earlier yeah half borderline of incidents with appliances. And so we do now. The eight CC head VA is a dual core one point five gigahertz snapdragon -- -- -- Also running in essence analysts com so Canada and mid grade version once stepped down as but -- cheaper gas. And that we have with the HTC primo. A demo okay yeah. I'll. -- off some where -- TC is from. Communities in an opinion via an. I'm I'm I'm I'm Maria I -- in Austria walking a fine line does its bit got a mixes have gone they heard that. -- -- -- -- -- Is -- area three point seven inch super amoled display with gorilla glass wind gigahertz processor. Com. Admin the megapixel camera. So this is again in mid to low range device. And then the fourth is a tablet the CC -- -- Com. Which will also be a Quad Core. Tablet with a ten point one inch display. Com. Take -- three processor. As from sandwich and -- for the scribe digital stylus. He is Philip Stein doses on tablets we looked in London and the Samsung -- -- -- that says CES. That I don't know. They're fine meanwhile -- -- use -- without a stylus if they have in the options it right now it's time to jump in and be more accurate. About. I used a Wacom tablet as we come after four years of art school in -- mispronounced that but that the tablet. And the data -- tablet a lot with the with the with Photoshop and in various digital manipulation software and I mean -- -- having a stylus. It's great -- mean you mean you get things like pressure sensitivity that you don't necessarily give -- fingertips. -- -- -- of a higher degree of accuracy. And I you get sometimes. You do -- like being like function keys that are actually on that the stylus itself that it. Penalty and lend themselves to things like zooming in zooming out -- switching between tool so. I personally love the the option of having stylists editors are gonna tablet form factor you also. I have to have the ability in the end the finger the screen -- to -- it. -- -- guess and it's like an add on. And sort of why not but I I would want the product of work fully without it yet and may be that the status is just for. Artist that you and it be nice if there's a little pocket or something like that and to store the stylus threat because I would use that. Instantly or purchase. I don't miss smiley Treo. At all with the stylus did you ever and nutrient -- -- us uniquely -- and -- those who read about when -- and senior and junior hires but. Those few nutrients -- eight at -- It that was the that run the palm OS it -- When news. I remember. -- and gonna have a stylus and stylus yet found that he could camera. Give him back to HTC's announcement one other thing which is not harder specifically -- -- and a diesel run a script and it's also run the sense of the new four point -- sense -- which. Hopefully HTC. Will outline new features of that and have long been a fan of the sense -- I'd like generally I don't like that you know. It's a mess with you -- but the sense has been the best of the ones that use so of the interest in just seeing what kind of innovation they announced that are. Quick quick note about NE CC there actually Taiwanese company Taiwanese. 1997. In HTC's stance for high tech computer corporation -- Guess -- just earned the job meth monkey that's yeah a and we apologize to every. Quickly. Which is many and not. -- -- its elegant in its -- with the problem. Our -- offense more people of 3-D ES thing about 3-D. I am not -- -- It's no speaker notes at or right on on and on phones or everywhere. We talking. Three dimensions in life. I love living -- -- go further insulate anyone who makes 3-D devices is stupid to suit different people coming well edited or if anyone who thinks it's good is is wrong you know it's back now it's back up here. And state that I do. I don't mind in theaters -- -- the movie that filmed in treaty or an animated 3-D feature because usually they make the conversion better. But I've never public it would I would call -- great experience with a hand held device and definitely not a great experience with -- -- -- -- Television is -- hasn't won me over yet. I am and -- you know that did the glasses list. You know -- is is cool if you are holding the right angle. In the homes that get to Wear glasses and I mean that I'd be willing to Wear glasses likened -- -- long movie that -- -- in three innings and over two hours long. And after while I just wanted those glasses off -- faith and so I just can't see myself watching football game in treaty for example. Yeah -- and I agree it. It's. There's very few movies and -- whereas I don't worthwhile and out of -- I've never seen a worthwhile implementation. But why we're talking about is because LG is rumored to be announcing a new version of the Optimus 3-D. Com. And this Warren is somewhat similar but it will also have the ability to do with two 3-D conversion which -- he -- 3-D was -- and this conversion is even worse because. It just did he he can't divert some from the two. It's -- it doesn't elementary exists in that looking like that -- a pop. Alia with 3-D things in it is to be things in 3-D space is how old three conversions -- looking to me it's not really treaty. Well I mean that's gonna look terrible -- extremists. Via Internet scene ends and its not impressive. Nam but -- you'd go LG. Let's -- -- that works out this time will move pushed for hopefully. And often TV land of email may be looked at two years surveying their dumb T Samsung galaxy S three. Baum says S two it has -- -- -- And has a phone installed all the different carriers to -- You do I don't. -- -- -- -- -- -- The since this is a -- -- because. Hum the rumors of the S three are from a Russian blogger. And who is provided. Some accurate information -- some inaccurate information and past. I'm but he says that the galaxy -- three war 104 point -- which you know. Insurers make sense if there's one. Its unity -- by -- one point 51 point six liter Quad Core processor. Seems likely. An HD super amoled plus display twelve megapixel camera. And the design will be pretty -- to -- So all that seems pretty straightforwardly knock on -- -- and there you. About. He the one thing that is -- -- in this is that he claims that there's two versions -- on a Quad Core and dual core -- -- interest and so it -- release -- phone's differentiated -- exports size of sixteen gigabyte. And 32 gigabyte each use Wii knows this is. Is kind of more akin to -- -- like it -- Computer look metaphor where you're like oh we can test stolen and then the really won broad the past and not the past and in -- with -- Yes it's it would be really -- to do a side by side comparison of these because we all wonder with phones or at least I do it is CPU speed really matter at. For most daily use you wanted to just put that's the test and then compare that against that battery life like this. Says that Quad Core affect the battery life so much that it's not worth getting from -- people play at work today effectively turn off the cores depending on Blix who are using for their their chipset because we think we -- -- discuss this. -- that the tegra three for example only really. Inane technically yes I've cores on using the four course for for most -- -- using that one sort of. When and if the backup chorus when I'm thinking about with a low power chipset that -- that low power chip it's basically just did you -- like. Render the desktop. -- show your options menu and that sort of thing and it doesn't actually engaged the other four high powered cores. -- you're doing something like playing a game or watching a movie. And it's rumored to be parent -- Samsung Quad Core. -- and notes therefore I need to look into how that architecture works. But I mean. I mean it could be a similar case where you know doesn't necessarily affect battery life publisher. Doing. Battery intensive things I think in that case and it would drain your battery faster than dual core processors just because you're -- -- More things more powerfully. But I think it's kind of the equivalent of like you could probably get you know twenty miles per gallon -- -- four cylinder or V8 but the beetle to get no more trouble. And rental of tossing -- -- -- -- Well anyway I love to see -- -- -- nightmares and just to note the specs are reality. Yet in terms of how reputable and Russian blog. Does he look like Mickey -- -- -- it's a good question I am actually not seen a picture of him that is pro -- moved into the -- I on Twitter. Hands of these -- -- your mind it's it's actually copy it the best -- it is area. Little -- up being a -- he's the editor in chief of mobile. -- review dot com and I'd like to apologize to him and I would -- Especially via a system. That I'm -- he's very -- and S -- of Russians. Shall -- he he how's our -- doing. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Okay do you agree with Google's new privacy policy. 75%. -- now. No end yet Sony 5% say no. Which according to my meth monkey skills leaves 25%. Saying yes you are on it a market today how many responses -- -- -- nine before on our -- time. It's -- a lot of a lot of responses. And it's just in case you're curious. I'm still at 71% thumbs down from -- -- -- ha yes. I think it comes -- a -- -- please that's a terrible. -- -- -- depending -- how many people -- -- statistically insignificant. To the row. Our and it lets let's move on to email but before we do idyllic a quick Google asserts. And the good thing about like being on Google -- it. You can do a -- search for Google receipt given a seat for keeping -- -- bought Internet marketplace. Fifth time since I've been on the -- platform in 2009. January of 2000. Actually January 2010 as when I got my commitment to raid one and asked that -- 155. Plus. On apps -- So they yet and all about -- aren't we are double those wonder where tutors are released into GPS apps in the -- be twenty dollars for it and but yet some adjustment announced. -- work. Help and support standard community -- appreciate that -- -- say like I am sure that I'm not unique in that that. You there are the users who like me who spend a lot of them are more or just you know by get a free app in the industry you know I really like this capital to drop the developer couple bucks here and will skew will -- that -- -- -- -- averages work a lot of people don't. I spend a ton of money couple people do in and that a year averages in -- Where you were talking about and an average of I'm sure -- people who spend way more money -- -- the idea. -- -- low quality health there. That's -- those emails -- -- first he is from Travis is set I would like to know if there's any apps. Bluetooth controls. For Bluetooth controls on Bluetooth headsets preferably the Motorola wants. I have not found an app that lets you adjust the Bluetooth controls and I think that's mostly because. I think most people are. The of the most was -- headsets. That support things like audio I'll already have controls built in them the the EV RCP protocol has. Built in things for -- -- get back -- pause in the and also your answering and ending calls it is not really a neat. For Bluetooth headset control -- -- are trying to do something. -- Evidence that trees every word fraternity from the more than that. But I'm not I've not seen the -- thing I've found to a Motorola specific Bluetooth headset app is there moto talking with tool. Given the right literally -- and read text messages to you. Aren't but it doesn't -- -- -- although it's not that we know that that we. -- -- ornery the next one from Bob. Jerry says that hi guys I'm new to Smartphones and to your show. I heard in politics out of the cashier commando. I just purchased my first Android phone and it is the -- Can you tell me why you're so dismissive of this device I know it's not the best -- the most powerful Smartphone out there but it's working fine for me and it looks kickass. Extended from Bob asked and -- Say that I guess since you're new to the issue -- -- you've probably heard a couple of -- in the time since the stimulus and now you know that -- Russian techniques they pick on. I don't really have any particular problem in that and it -- -- -- And think -- funny and -- It just hasn't done it -- -- Yet bush you know -- speaking of Casio and I -- office into the renowned Allen theater for this point. Out of -- sort of like floating around the Internet this week something that I missed at CES and that's Casio. G shock phone. So basically if you're familiar with he did the huge G shock waterproof. Weatherproof go anywhere watches of these bills is very Bettany and ask. I G shock phone voices. Powered by Android shock resistant you you get through it ten feet. And it wouldn't break the screen you could you know basically submerge it thirty feet underwater and -- You'd still be able to use it when it came out I'd -- this rugged sort of do anywhere. You know kind of phone. At first I thought it was ugly but -- and I still think it suddenly but the more a look at it the more right. And the one with just like Casio watch yeah -- the G shock watch is is nothing when it's modeled after. And I just wanna pull this out and -- on the counter in a bar you know -- An interesting -- has -- don't pick -- girls will -- an interesting thing happened to me at CES were found myself at a dinner were everybody at the table -- an iPhone four or forest. And I was the only person with an -- phone. And I just think -- would be you know when it would sits nearly knife in the iphone's on the table from me just pull this beast out like -- My phone can consume your phones definitely different and that this is the phone that they should've had in Mission Impossible instead of product. Do we have this discussion we haven't okay I had -- discussion -- does not really a dedication to Mission Impossible because of all the -- tech. And as an iPhone everywhere iphones I'm willing to believe Tom Cruise and get hit by car and yet we keep running. I'm not willing to believe that iPhone is part it would survive a two foot drop just would not believe in -- they had this phone this is the -- ten. -- inflation -- here ten. And then there was also weird scene where in this is not a spoiler but they're talking about something in the background they have these large pictures on the flat screen TVs. And you know they they need to put the data in the -- that looks by -- And instead of putting like GP ST network time the picture shot -- exit data shutter speed and exposure information and dislike. Spartan and that the agency that the only reason Esther GB. Is because the people in the art department didn't -- it but there infinite but with interest in and it just took me completely out of -- equivalent. I don't know -- -- lots were. Are -- we're gonna fly through these emails today emails from -- from Amsterdam and says he loves us so com. He I think we talked about the user interface deadlines last week and basically -- -- that kind of agrees with where I was -- in that. That Google should give some kind of preferential treatment in the market people who follow the guidelines -- people who don't. And on -- -- -- different opinion. Luckily they already -- that. They already hellish virus how to clear that there there are promoted there is an editor's choice tab. In the the online Android market and then we also -- -- -- -- -- to CNET -- -- download look at our best after usually pretty will assign. -- -- -- -- -- -- set that up. All right tag an email from max's -- has an evo 3-D and he's never had any battery problems and lessons Romaine or -- app kicks in. Com all -- power even with games -- -- -- you guys like to rip in the phone because your 3-D haters as we are. But even without -- -- Sweden fast phone now this is in reference -- -- -- -- discussion about this last -- -- -- -- -- basically we're asking what's a good phone on sprint or should they jumped ship to Verizon and we didn't bring up the evo three. Com I guess we did because then -- followed up and -- an email saying that -- those. Is -- the atom he gets me to learn more about the growth treaty. Although volume. Of we are done so I don't like -- I don't think we -- -- -- that exact misstatement. -- and argue that -- not done. Seems like -- that's losing argument. Got an email from hander who says basically -- is an Xperia play and wants to read it and has heard about suffer called ginger brake and wants an though. Because if his or did you enter rate will review with avoiding is -- is that true in on. -- I -- -- about routing Tuesday if it is inherently. A warranty voiding process if you get caught. So I mean it if you richer photo and and you try to retreated in -- he issued its software related. If you bracket for example during the review process and anything can happen even if -- -- just using automated software. -- and the used as grounds to void your warranty so there is there's always an in an era of a -- of danger. Around the reading process I mean instant relatively -- that any single ever happened -- you. But -- -- if you're the kind of person that's scared that your carrier's going to use it you down for tethering. Then you mean you've also probably kind of person -- -- -- creative running into issues surrounding -- I mean if you learn how to under -- -- year having the issue and you can route before you turn your phone and want to -- You profit route and protect the screen and you just and -- -- -- and you should be okay. As if they did and if it's not a software issue that your your warranty claim -- around -- not even bother. A lot of people have had pretty good -- even are renowned distillers caveat there if you know when YouTube which -- that using my advice stick around what do you want. -- -- Com us. RA the last team knows that is they -- -- has it was my new phone in the next months and is in a with the announcement of the jury Macs which there's a story with two days in Madrid Macs -- -- yesterday. Has an official release date and -- team. Which is January 26. -- tomorrow. And we'll go on sale for 299 -- -- contract which phone should be I -- that critic out nexis or something else. I mean all I'll say. -- less battery life usury issue. I like the celts and -- better I mean I have one. So maybe am biased but from. You know. That being said battery left from the galaxy nexus is far from -- -- -- Just horrible compared to the new greater RAZR Max. -- lastly. What is it when he -- and hours 24 is when they're claiming ray. Probably for the street talk of talk time -- standby is just you know. Patents supposedly the -- I'll like to use the take their battery life and a half and that's what you should actually get out of it. Sort of rules on -- but still excellent free pretty decent and a the amount -- claimed battery life. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And I think that. Because the -- reason Macs is essentially the same phone the Droid RAZR is essentially the same phone of the jury for that's gonna come out. It's probably gonna be pretty well supported and the firmware and it goes on any of those phones should probably be pretty readily adaptable the others aren't so who and I think -- also expressed at the united definitely that there will be MB of ratings and it can sandwiched. Soon. So I mean I think it's a pretty safe -- either way atom. Yeah I don't really really a reality interfaces -- and see which one you like Paris. A big again I'm not really sure what minerals can do with their went with their interface with ice cream sandwich companies -- adopt the standard of intelligent are -- are they gonna. -- and Apple that. The good question especially now that they avenue owner. -- -- -- I I'm still maintaining that there's going to be the same -- lots of autonomy. Admirals and maintain that only think that Google owning them -- -- and am maintaining there's a lot. Well mean that you look -- like Google products Natal -- maintain control over their own products -- was just like you get you know. But now they get a new federal privacy of our city and from injury which -- Jensen just now to started working together with the Google TV team so it does it mean if they can't even do that their software like why would they be in -- Pushing buttons and telling moral it -- like I just don't think that that it. With their corporate think that's one other thing that page once it changes CEOs -- and it changed. Anytime within the burglaries and Max is like an answer question they're both -- phones I say that nexus that I think -- is right though. He got a fair which rallied I think we have an extended battery that recent -- mean that -- is gonna matched three Mac they not realize it's not -- so if you battery life is a concern for you and it should be with the four GL TE phone on network. Is every single one that I've ever used has. Had you know a bit of a battery CO NC. Take it nice long look at the RAZR Max -- -- but if not. Galaxy nexus. -- Anything else it's alike -- Aren't well let's -- -- the -- -- thanks for Watson you can read all about Android news as it happens on a blog cnet.com slash Android atlas. You can watch the stream every Wednesday at 10 AM Pacific cnet.com slash live in you can send us email. Enter an analyst at cnet.com. You can follow us on Twitter and we are at enter -- -- or its influence on whose app and -- Follow me Justin -- -- name. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And then you can call us 86634426388. XX 344 CNET. Saudia. That organisms have not a -- that's all I -- so we'll see you next week. It.

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