Hate folding laundry? Seven Dreamers Laundroid robot wants to help at CES 2017

Seven Dreamers built a robot to fold your laundry for you -- and it actually works.

Megan Wollerton Former Senior Writer/Editor
2 min read

Nobody likes doing laundry. And even after you've washed and dried everything, you still have to fold it all and put it away. Bummer.

Fortunately, startup Seven Dreamers wants to help out with this everyday chore in the form of Laundroid, an imposing laundry-folding-robot that looks kind of like a bottom freezer fridge.

Laundroid is tall, dark and functional (pictures)

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Here's how it works:

Toss up to 30-40 pieces of clothing into the drawer in the bottom. Laundroid is then supposed to be able sort through what's inside and get to folding. Its built-in AI and image analysis distinguishes among t-shirts, pants and even underwear. It isn't able to fold socks, though.

From there, the robotic arm inside the appliance will pick up a single item at a time and spend the next 5 minutes or so folding it. No, it isn't very fast, but I suppose it's better than doing it yourself. Seven Dreamers also has a related Android and iPhone app for remote access to the bot.

We saw Laundroid previously as a prototype (it's been in development since 2005), but Seven Dreamers plans to open preorders worldwide in March. Pricing hasn't yet been announced.

In addition to this Laundroid unit, the company also plans to introduce a custom version for hospitals and nursing homes in 2018, as well as an all-in-one washer, dryer and laundry folder in 2019. In the meantime, we hope to track down a review unit of Laundroid to try out for ourselves at the CNET Smart Home.

Click here to find out what else is happening at CES 2017.