Scientists diagnose dinosaur with malignant cancer found in humans today

A fossilized dinosaur fibula's 76-million-year-old medical secret leads to a paleontology first.

Amanda Kooser
Freelance writer Amanda C. Kooser covers gadgets and tech news with a twist for CNET. When not wallowing in weird gear and iPad apps for cats, she can be found tinkering with her 1956 DeSoto.
Amanda Kooser
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This fossil bone from a Centrosaurus apertus led to a bone cancer diagnosis.

Danielle Dufault, Royal Ontario Museum

Osteosarcoma is an aggressive bone cancer that occurs in humans, mostly children and young adults. It also afflicted a horned dinosaur 76 million years ago. 

A study led by researchers at McMaster University and the Royal Ontario Museum in Canada has resulted in a surprising diagnosis of osteosarcoma in the fibula of a Centrosaurus apertus, a dinosaur that resembles the more familiar triceratops.

"No malignant cancers -- tumors that can spread throughout the body and have severe health implications -- have ever been documented in dinosaurs previously," McMaster University said in a release on Monday. The team published its findings in The Lancet Oncology journal this month.  

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This shows the location of the bone in the dinosaur's leg and highlights the cancer tumor mass.

Centrosaurus diagram by Danielle Dufault. Courtesy of Royal Ontario Museum. Royal Ontario Museum/McMaster University

Scientists originally thought the leg bone's odd shape came from a healed break, but a much closer look revealed the truth. 

"After carefully examining, documenting and casting the bone, the team performed high-resolution computed tomography (CT) scans. They then thin-sectioned the fossil bone and examined it under a microscope to assess it at the bone-cellular level," McMaster said.

The researchers also compared the bone with a known case of osteosarcoma in a human and with a normal Centrosaurus apertus leg bone. Though the dinosaur's cancer was advanced, it appeared to have died in a flood rather than from the illness. 

"The fact that this plant-eating dinosaur lived in a large, protective herd may have allowed it to survive longer than it normally would have with such a devastating disease," said paleontologist David Evans of the Royal Ontario Museum.

"Establishing links between human disease and the diseases of the past will help scientists to gain a better understanding of the evolution and genetics of various diseases," said McMaster University. 

The dinosaur's diagnosis has created a thread across time, an unsettling connection between today and an ancient world.