Shang-Chi on Disney Plus: All the post-credits scenes explained

The ending of Marvel's martial arts epic welcomes Shang-Chi to the world of the Avengers with some familiar cameos.

Richard Trenholm Former Movie and TV Senior Editor
Richard Trenholm was CNET's film and TV editor, covering the big screen, small screen and streaming. A member of the Film Critic's Circle, he's covered technology and culture from London's tech scene to Europe's refugee camps to the Sundance film festival.
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Richard Trenholm
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Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
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Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings features scenes after the credits roll.


When all the punching, kicking and family drama is over, is there a post-credits scene at the end of Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings? Of course! In fact, this latest Marvel Cinematic Universe entry includes two post-credits scenes teasing the next adventure and welcoming the MCU's newest heroes into the world of the Avengers.

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is streaming now on Disney Plus. "From opening battle to inevitable post-credits scene," CNET's review says, "Shang-Chi comes with Marvel strengths and weaknesses while also feeling like something winningly new."

So what about those post-credits scenes? Stand by for spoilers... Having saved the world at the end of the movie, Shang-Chi is introduced to some familiar faces with Avengers stars popping up for cameos (fittingly for 2021, this meeting involves a sort of superhero Zoom call). Then at the very end of the credits, another scene introduces a new boss for the film's troublesome ninja army.

Shang-Chi mid-credits scene

The mid-credits scene basically continues the end of the movie, when Shang-Chi and Katie followed Wong into a portal. The action picks up with Wong studying the rings, noting that the powerful objects are nothing like any of the artifacts recorded in the codex.

The obligatory credits cameos come from Brie Larson and Mark Ruffalo as Captain Marvel and Bruce Banner. Banner's arm is in a sling, so if that's the injury sustained from wearing the Power Gauntlet in Endgame, then we can date Shang-Chi as being set relatively soon after that film. They may be two of the biggest brains in the Avengers, but both are baffled by the rings. They can at least deduce that the mystical metal hoops are many thousands of years older than anyone realized. 

In the comics , the origin story of the rings is that they contained the souls of alien warriors from the planet Maklu, home of dragonlike beings including the popular comics character Fin Fang Foom. In the movie, our heroes realize Shang-Chi's use of the rings has sent some sort of signal. There's a beacon beaming into the cosmos -- but who will answer? 

Marvel then hops off on some interplanetary business, leaving Banner and Wong to officially induct Shang-Chi and Katie into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. "There's a long journey ahead of you," warns Wong, or as Banner puts it, "Welcome to the circus." All that's left then is to seal the deal with a spot of karaoke -- and Wong enthusiastically joins in with a round of Hotel California by the Eagles.

Shang-Chi post-credits scene

After the credits comes the second scene. This time it's Xialing, played by Meng'er Zhang, who takes center stage. We rejoin her putting away childish things as she takes down the posters covering her childhood bedroom. She's supposed to be wrapping up her father's terrorist affairs, but instead takes his throne and ushers in a new era for the Ten Rings organization. An era of graffiti and hip-hop, with Razor Fist joined by her old fight club sidekick and a new army of martial arts trainees.

"Let's get started," Xialing says ominously. "We've got a lot of work to do."

The film ends with the caption: "The Ten Rings will return." But now that they're under new management, will they be friend or foe for Shang-Chi and the Avengers?

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